Jana Sterbak
considering how image + sound recording and broadcast technologies affect perceptions of self, world and community
A democratic civilization will save itself only if it makes the language of the image into a stimulus for critical reflection—not an invitation for hypnosis.
Umberto Eco
I have nothing to say / and I am saying it / and that is poetry / as I needed it
John Cage
the straight cut
the fade
the dissolve
the wipe
the iris
180 degree rule/axis of action: a term used to describe an imaginary (straight) line drawn between protagonists in a scene. Ensuring spatial continuity and maintaining consistency of screen direction, the basic rule is to plan mise-en-scene around this line and to position the camera so that it never crosses the line.
30 degree rule: the camera position must change by 30 degrees between shots i order to avoid a jump cut. More than 30 degrees the cut will look like a new vantage point; less than 30 degrees and the it looks like the world has moved.
establishing shot: typically a scene begins with a long shot delineating the overall scene in which the scene to take place.
shot/reverse shot: conversation between characters usually use this technique. Shots establishing points of view in a two person shot.
eye-line matching : the first shot shows a character looking off screen at something and the second shot shows the object/character being looked at.
matching on action: an action is begun with one shot and completed in another.
re-establishing shot: after series of close-ups, re-establishing shot re-establishes setting.