No Wednesday class this week. Next week OCTOBER 17 + 18, both classes will meet in Lab 3B1 to complete the panoramic portrait assignment See the description in the margin of the blog for more information, keeping in mind that the assignment has changed in form (now it will be produced digitally so no need to use the photocopier) and content, now allowing for a broader range of subject matter (besides yourself, you can feature another person, place or thing). Bring your images, digitalized or ready to scan to that class. Also, if you have a a keychain harddrive, please bring that along as well so you can transport images from the scanning computers to your own. Some examples of
panoramic portraits (some of these links are not completed yet, be patient).
On October 11, the Thursday group will go on a field trip to Parisian Laundry, 3550 St. Antoine West. We will meet there at 3:00. In preparation please check the
Le Mois de la Photo link for contextual information on the exhibition.